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Can guinea pigs eat carrots?

A guinea pig’s diet should mainly consist of an unlimited supply of hay, 1/8th cup of pellets and 1 cup of fresh veggies and fruit every day.

Not all types of veggies and fruit can be served daily, that’s why you should know how much of each your guinea pig can eat.

Let’s take a closer look at carrots.

Can guinea pigs eat carrots?

Guinea pigs can eat carrots and most guinea pigs love it, not only does it taste great, but it’s a great source of vitamin A and C. It is vital that a guinea pig has a good source of Vitamin C daily to prevent health issues like scurvy.

Read here why vitamin C is so important and discover other great sources to supplement your guinea pig’s vit. C intake.

Carrots also contain sugar and vitamin A, which in large doses can be bad for your guinea pig’s health. Carrots are a healthy snack but should not be considered a daily staple. Do not feed carrots daily, but rather once or twice a week.

Can guinea pigs eat carrot tops and leaves?

Guinea pigs can eat the green carrot tops and most love it.

Can guinea pigs drink carrot juice?

Guinea pigs cannot drink juice of any kind and carrot juice is no exception. Carrot juice is way too high in sugar which can cause obesity and other health issues, that can lead to bladder stones. Stay away from any juice or processed food, there are plenty of healthy alternatives.

Read here about healthy alternatives that guinea pigs can eat.

How to serve carrots to guinea pigs?

  1. Only serve fresh, raw carrots at room temperature.
  2. Wash carrots thoroughly to remove any possible pesticides.
  3. There is no need to peel carrots as guinea pigs can eat the skin, provided it has been washed properly.
  4. Serve carrots whole or sliced to your guinea pigs.
  5. Watch them enjoy it.

(Sometimes I slice carrots with a potato peeler to get thin slices, I did this when one of my guinea pigs had broken tooth issues, and he could manage to eat it fine.)


Carrots are a perfectly safe to feed to your guinea pigs once or twice a week. It’s a healthy treat and not a daily staple.